7 Tips For Taking Mouth-Watering Food Photography That Sells
Iurii Zakirov
min read
Iurii Zakirov

7 Tips For Taking Mouth-Watering Food Photography That Sells

Food photography is an artful expression of capturing the deliciousness and presentation of food in a photo. A challenging but rewarding experience, it takes dedication to present, here are the 10 tips to help you

Photography is an art and food photography is the best version of it. Capturing the presentation and flavor of food through a photograph can be challenging, but it's also a very amazing experience. It requires a lot of dedication to present the food in a luscious manner. If you are a novice to food photography or want to polish your skills, here are 10 tips that will help you create mouth-watering photos like a pro!

Use Natural Light

Lighting is a crucial aspect of photography. The same applies to food photography in Dubai. As natural light is always considered best for photography, It is best to use a large window that faces away from the sun or shoot outside on an overcast day. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can create unwanted shadows and overly bright areas in your shot. You can also use artificial lighting but not direct flash to make your shots more impressive and eye-catching!

Experiment with Angles

What common pattern do you observe when you go through food images posted on social media or pasted on the walls of a restaurant or food court? These are the same angles used in every picture. Most photographers shot above and the low-over-the-table from the side.  You must get creative with angles! Try shooting from above or below the food to create interesting perspectives along with drawing attention to certain features of the dish.

This is an image of a cake

Create a Focal Point & Surround it

The focal point in your case would be the main cuisine that you are shooting. Place your main dish on the table and surround it with props to make it a center of attraction. From ingredients used in the preparation of food to the utensils containing the food, present everything in the form of a story through your photos. 

Photograph the Food when Fresh

As food photography is all about food and its presentation. Along with the best plating for appealing shots, make sure to click pictures when the food is fresh. A hint of staleness like wilted lettuce in the salad may completely spoil your efforts. To save extra effort, take your shot when the food is freshest. 

This is an image of fast food

Use Limited Colors in Background

Avoid using a colorful background in food photography. Choose color combinations that contrast with the food you’re shooting, such as placemats or tablecloths with neutral color tones. This will help draw attention to the food and make it stand out more in the shot. 

Create Balance in Your Shots

Make sure you have a mix of close-up shots, mid-range shots, and wide-angle shots of your food, as this will create balance in your photos.  Do not repeat a single shot multiple times as it will seem to affect your versatility.  Tripods are essential for steady shots and keeping the camera in focus. Using a tripod will also allow you to take close-up shots that reveal all of the details of the dish being photographed.

Enjoy what you Do 

Your clients will only love your work if you enjoy doing your work and put your best efforts in every shot.  It should not only be about getting paid for the work you are doing. Consider the time you spend on clicking shots for your clients to be a fun time and enjoy every moment of your work. It will surely leave you with the best outcome and you will have happy clients!

Register Yourself with a Professional Company

If you have just started with professional photography and want to learn it in depth or are haunting for work, you must register yourself with a legit and professional company such as Flashy. It is one of the largest brands trusted by top companies in the region. Visit getflashy.com and register on the platform. Once your portfolio is reviewed, you can start getting invites to photoshoots. It is the best place to expand your network and enhance your portfolio by working with brands that are trusted by people. 

Final Thoughts

By following these tips, you'll be able to create stunning and mouth-watering food photographs that will tantalize any viewer. Experiment with different angles and lighting, props, and backgrounds to create beautiful photos that make viewers hungry for what’s on the plate. Visit Flashy to go through our collections on food photography. 

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